Friday 18 November 2016


All the way to the Ocean is a short animated film created by Joel Harper, Pete Michels and Doug Rowell. It is also based on a book written by Joel Harper in 2016. Due to copyright issues, I will only be able to play a short trailer of the film.

Directed by Doug Rowell and produced by Joel Harper, the story is about two friends, Isaac and James. When James throws a plastic bottle into the gutter, Issac warns James about the consequences of his littering. From here they begin their journey to learning the harmful effects of pollution in the storm drain with the help of James' mom, a crane and  a surfer dude.. James and Issac also begin spreading the message of pollution to all their friends and school and organizes a cleanup at their school.

The book, written by Joel Harper, illustrated by Marq Spusta and forward by Laird Hamilton was first published on 1st Feburary 2006 and have distributed over 40,000 copies world wide. This book can be brought at their website for $14.95.


" All the Way to the Ocean is an opportunity to learn about how our actions link directly back to nature. Collectively and individually, we have a great responsibility to protect the ocean and the wonderful creatures that live there. If we all do just a little, together we can give a lot."
-Big Wave Surfer, Laird Hamilton
" All the Way to the Ocean is an educational and inspiring story that illustrates that everyone, no matter how small, can make a difference in helping the ocean and the animals that live there. The Aquarium of the Pacific believes in empowering people of all ages because together we can ensure a better future for our ocean planet."
-Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA
" In All the Way to the Ocean, Joel skillfully tackles non-point source pollution in an entertaining way that many children will find engaging. The book also contains references, links and other information to encourage greater reader awareness and action. This book has a timely message that can positively impact our environmental sensitivity and, more specifically, reduce our non-point source pollution. I urge you to consider this book for your sales venues, park libraries and as a gift for a child you know."
-John D. Mott, Cooperating Associations Program Manager Interpretation and Education Division, Department of Parks and Recreation

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